Sunday, January 2, 2011

A new year A new start

So here we are, the start of a brand new year and I think 2011 will be a good year.

I like to make a resolution as I believe it starts me off on the right footing for the year. It isn't written in stone but a guide in the right direction. My new years resolution for 2011 is to write on this blog at least once a week and to set a day for crafting once a week. Well that seems simple enough, I'm just not sure why I didn't manage it last year.

I am also going to sit down early next week and make a plan of the cards that need to be made and when they need to be sent to people. I'm quite good at making cards for people but not very good at actually sending them. I have lots of cards in the drawer that have been made for someone, even put in an envelope, but never actually sent! Silly really.

So, this year, I'm going to get those cards made and actually send them.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Lucy's 18th birthday card

This weekend has been so busy going from one thing to another that I haven't had time to do much crafting.

On Saturday night we went to my aunt and uncles 50th wedding anniversary. Isn't it amazing that they have been married for so long. It was lovely to see so many of the dispersed family that we don't get to see these days. I made a 50th wedding anniversary card for them which I was really pleased with. Unfortunately I didn't get to take a photo of it as I finished it just as we were leaving to go to the party and rushing out the door.

On Sunday we spent a lovely evening at a BBQ held for my daughters friend Lucy who is 18 today. We have known Lucy since infant school and she's visited our house on many occasions. This is the card that I made for her 18th birthday. I think it turned out quite well. It isn't made using stamps this time. I decided to have a go using the stickers from a local PaperCraft shop.

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Thursday, July 9, 2009


Hello and welcome to my first ever blog. I'm not sure what I'm doing but I know I'm doing something!

A bit about me...I'm not a demonstrator or part of any design team, or publish in any magazines. I don't profess to be any good at rubber stamping or making cards.

I do, however, really enjoy stamping with ink, cutting up card, attempting to tie bows with ribbon and getting sticky with glue snails and such like.

I make cards for my family and close friends. That is what it is all about. A place for me to share my dabblings in making cards - the good the bad and the ugly.

So, watch this space and Happy Crafting xxx